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270 Farmington Avenue
Suite #344
Farmington, CT 06032
Tel:(203) 805-8527
Board Certified Clinical Neuropsychologist​
Board Certified Subspecialist Pediatric Neuropsychology

Contact Information
Practice Locations
Farmington (Primary)
270 Farmington Avenenue
Suite #344
Farmington, CT 06032
Tel: (203) 805 - 8527
Fax: (888) 494 - 0373
New Canaan
51 Locust Avenue
Suite #302
New Canaan, CT 06840
Tel: (203) 805 - 8527
Fax: (888) 494 - 0373
Upon turning on to the road to the Farmington Exchange proceed straight, following signs for office parking to the rear of the building. (Do not turn left into the parking area where restaurant parking is indicated).
When you park in the rear parking lot, please enter Building #3. That is the main entrance to the Exchange. Proceed past the security guard's desk. The elevator is located to the left rear of this desk. Take the elevator to the 3rd floor; turn Right. Suite #344.
New Haven
50 Elm Street
Second Floor
New Haven, CT 06511
Tel: (203) 805 - 8527
Fax: (888) 494 - 0373
Insurance Information
Dr. Kulas does not participate with any commercial insurance plans at the current time. Fees for evaluations are due at the time of service or by prior arrangement.
Services are eligible for application towards deductibles and are eligible for Flexible Spending Account application. Pro bono services are periodically available by prior arrangement.
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